CNFA President And CEO Sylvain Roy Joins Discussion on Nutrition and Food Security at the AGCO Africa Summit
BERLIN, Germany—On Monday, January 18, 2016, AGCO kicked off its fifth annual AGCO Africa Summit in Berlin, Germany. Hundreds from around the world gathered together to discuss how to make Africa more food secure through inclusive and sustainable growth. Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) President and CEO Sylvain Roy joined an impressive lineup of panelists and specifically addressed the importance of developing both agrodealerships and the livestock industry during the “Nutrition and Food Security: Examining Incentives for Private Sector Driven Growth” panel discussion.
During his presentation, Roy mentioned the following:
“Access to high-quality agricultural inputs is a crucial element in boosting farm productivity and competitiveness while improving nutrition. Since 1996, CNFA has supported the development of an important agrodealer network across Africa and also in other countries throughout Eastern Europe and South Asia. Because of these agrodealerships, smallholder farmers are able to reduce their travel time to and from agrodealer outlets, access a range of high-quality inputs, and receive various services such as machinery and veterinary assistance. In addition to the development of agrodealerships, we must continue to invest resources to strengthen Africa’s livestock industry. Our strategy involves engaging with private actors in the middle of the value chain to encourage stronger commercial relationships between processors, traders, exporters, and livestock producers. In Ethiopia, this approach is being championed in the dairy, meat, and live animal sectors, where new markets have opened for those industries as a result. I’m proud to be part of this conference and greatly appreciate AGCO’s continued support in finding collaborative solutions to ensuring a sustainable food supply for Africa.”