Finance and Investment

Facilitating access to finance and enabling trade.

CNFA creates opportunities for unbanked or underbanked communities to reliably access financial services, promoting investment in sustainable businesses that drive local job creation and income growth.

At larger scales, we design programs that mobilize millions in targeted finance to help producers and processors enter large markets and access trade and investment opportunities. We also work to leverage both formal and informal financing and support smallholder farmers by reducing or assisting with entry barriers such as accessing collateral and assets. Our approach to promoting access to finance and business opportunities starts with building awareness through training and by connecting producers with financial service providers. We work closely with the private sector to facilitate targeted grants and investments that build on access to financial services. Our programs work with entrepreneurs to develop projects and facilitate incubation through grants and services to ensure the sustainability of their businesses.

Agribusinesses also receive technical assistance in developing economically viable business plans. Together, these financial linkages provide access to new markets and establish funding pathways for future entrepreneurs.

We also partner with host-country governments, financial institutions, investors, and lenders to coordinate financial support for promising ideas, reducing risk and catalyzing investment growth. By providing support in policy enhancements and economic development, we help strengthen the enabling environment for agribusiness finance and investment.

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