
USAID Quality Technologies Revitalizing Agriculture Activity Signs 20 Co-Investment Agreements to Enhance Water Efficiency and Resilience in the West Bank

Media Release | September 12, 2024

Activity Launch and Grants Signing Ceremony in Jericho, West Bank on September 10, 2024

JERICHO, West Bank—Today in Jericho, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the mayor of Jericho Abdel Kareem Sider, and local farmers launched the Quality Technologies Revitalizing Agriculture Activity (Q’tra) by signing 20 new co-investment agreements. Totaling $1.3 million, the investments will provide farmers with water efficient irrigation equipment to improve water efficiency and resilience in the West Bank.

The co-investment agreements will help about 300 farmers from Jericho and Tubas governorates adopt water-saving technologies, including low-flow emitters, automated irrigation systems, and pond linings. The Activity will also provide electromagnetic ionizers and sand filters to enhance irrigation water quality.

Agricultural water consumes more than half of the West Bank’s limited freshwater resources, and agricultural practices, particularly irrigation practices, must be improved and modernized to improve agricultural water productivity and reduce stress on groundwater. Efforts through USAID’s Q’tra Activity will work to enhance water efficiency and productivity, support agricultural resilience, and improve water and food security.

Q’tra is a 4-year, $36 million USAID-funded Activity designed to enhance water efficiency and promote sustainable agriculture. Q’tra will increase farmers’ access to advanced irrigation technologies that promote water savings, such as low-flow emitter drip systems, aiming to reduce water use by 4 million cubic meters in the West Bank and Gaza. Through targeted training, Q’tra will enable farmers to adopt improved resilient conservation practices and better manage freshwater resources and associated ecosystems through the elimination of chemical and fertilizer use.

Jericho Mayor Abdel Kareem Sider emphasized the significance of the Activity and stressed that the need to optimize water use and conserve resources has become increasingly critical.

“Q’tra will eventually provide advanced technologies and technical and training assistance for 11,500 Palestinian farmers. The Activity will ensure inclusivity by offering opportunities to men, women, youth, and people with disabilities alike. By collaborating with local and international partners, Q’tra aims to maximize its impact and ensure efficient use of resources to benefit farmers, and their communities,” stated Q’tra’s Chief of Party, Jean Francois Guay.

USAID and Q’tra remain dedicated to advancing development goals and supporting communities in the West Bank and Gaza. The signing of these grant agreements underscores a continued commitment to building resilience and improving livelihoods and economic growth amidst current challenges.


About USAID: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the lead U.S. Government Agency that works to end extreme global poverty and enable resilient, democratic societies to realize their potential. In the West Bank and Gaza, USAID assistance aims to increase stability and improve lives of Palestinians by working within local communities to increase economic opportunity and access to basic services, promote effective governance, empower youth, and provide humanitarian relief.