Agribusiness Development Activity
CNFA implemented the four-year, $20 million Agribusiness Development Activity (ADA) (2006-2010), funded under the Millennium Challenge Georgia Fund (MCG), as part of the Compact between the Government of Georgia and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), to catalyze local matching investments from Georgian partner enterprises and farmers. Through matching grants, farmers received access to innovative agricultural production technology, inputs, quality control practices, and output marketing as well as stronger market linkages and reliable sources of inputs and methods to market higher-value products.
- 2,613 new jobs created
- $6.6 million worth of new cash markets created for 1,918 farmers
- $7.8 million in gross sales by value-adding enterprises
- $11.2 million In Farm Service Center sales to more than 100,000 clients
- 283 grants disbursed, worth $16.3 million, leveraging more than $22 million in private sector matching investment

- Supported Local Enterprise Development: ADA awarded resources to groups of farmers and enterprises applying innovative business solutions and technology to boost household incomes and net revenues. Applications submitted included a business plan built for domestic market demand.
- Facilitated Improvements to Agricultural Value Chains: Value chain improvements were accomplished through technical assistance via long- and short-term consultants and volunteers, formal and informal training, and access to grants and capital mobilization proposed by bidders responding to ADA’s request. The Value Chain Initiative built strategic commercial linkages between producers, processors, and markets in promising Georgian agricultural sectors, including dairy, meat and poultry products, fruits, citrus, nuts, vegetables, and potatoes.
- Conducted Rural Outreach: ADA launched a mass media campaign to empower Georgians to make better choices about their business environment and families through access to information.