Agricultural Market Development Trust
The Improving the Productivity and Incomes of Smallholder Farmers in Western Kenya (Agricultural Market Development Trust) (2004-2006) initiative aimed to expand the agricultural input distribution system across four key districts of Bungoma, Bondo, Siaya, and Vihiga. This pilot project focused on the development of rural agricultural input stockists accessible to smallholder farmers and local communities. Through its locally registered Kenyan affiliate AGMARK, CNFA addressed the constraints in the input distribution system to stimulate the flow of productivity-enhancing inputs and provide increased production, food security, and incomes to smallholders.
- $238,112 of quality inputs purchased on credit
- $62,329 in guarantees issued through the “Financial Services Innovation Fund”
- 559 stockists and seven wholesalers involved in one or more training activities
- 18 independent trainers certified in business and facilitation courses
- 156 stockists trained in business management

- Built the capacity for stockists via training in both agricultural inputs, product knowledge and safe use, and business management. CNFA leveraged both “embedded” services provided by companies on products and independent trainers for teaching business management skills.
- Drafted six new training modules comprised of Working Capital Management, Stock Management, Selling and Marketing, Costing and Pricing, Record Keeping, and Managing Relations and Networks (Supply Companies, Banks, and GOA Agencies) information.
- Used a Financial Innovation Fund to provide partial guarantees to reduce initial risk for companies and wholesalers interested in selling to project-supported stockists.