Farmer-to-Farmer Program: Southern Africa
Azerbaijan, Madagascar, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe
The five-year USAID-funded John Ogonowski and Doug Bereuter Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) Program (2023-2028) connects expert volunteers working in the U.S. agriculture sector with host-country farmers, farm groups, agribusinesses, and other relevant institutions to strengthen agricultural value chains and promote sustainable improvements in food security and agricultural processing, production, and marketing.
Expected Impact
- 16,600 agricultural stakeholders supported with technical assistance
- 200 agriculture-related organizations supported with technical assistance
- $6 million increase in partners’ sales
- $2.7 million increase in partners’ net incomes

The Program’s primary aim is to generate sustainable, broad-based economic growth in the agricultural sector through voluntary technical assistance. A secondary goal is to increase the U.S. public’s understanding of international development issues and programs and international understanding of the U.S. and U.S. development programs.
The Southern Africa F2F Program, implemented by CNFA, builds on partnerships established during the previous iteration of the program, which ran from 2018-2023. With a focus on rural enterprise development, the Program employs a market systems approach to address the barriers preventing smallholder farmers from accessing local market systems and opportunities. Technical assistance in production strengthening, enterprise development, and market facilitation helps farmers integrate into their local economies and identify opportunities for growth, improving incomes and contributing to regional economic development.
To diffuse innovative technologies and practices, the Program will also partner with Feed the Future Innovation Labs, U.S. universities, researchers, and leaders in the U.S. agribusiness sector. Additionally, the Program will continue its Processor-to-Processor initiative, a collaboration with the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) and Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab, which pairs AOCS members with agroprocessors in Southern Africa.
Volunteer assignments are developed and implemented with a strong focus on inclusive development, emphasizing work with women, youth, and individuals with disabilities. Assignments focus on the following examples, among others:
Production Strengthening:
- Integrated Pest Management
- Integrated Soil Fertility Management
- Improved input and seed systems
- Best practices in crop and livestock production
Market Facilitation:
- Market analysis
- Pricing
- Contract negotiations
- Traceability, certification, and food safety
- Outgrower scheme support
Enterprise Development:
- Business management
- Strategic planning
- Organizational development
- Financial management
- Finance access
How To Become a Host or Volunteer
- Potential hosts and volunteers contact F2F to express interest in partnering with the Program.
- F2F develops a scope of work for each assignment based on the requirements of the host and experience of prospective volunteers.
- F2F matches hosts with volunteers based on their expertise and F2F’s available assignments. Please note that recruitment time varies depending on availability and that assignments usually last three weeks.
- In-country F2F teams provide logistical support for hosts and volunteers and hire translators as needed.
Learn More About the F2F Program: Contact us at