Feed the Future Egypt Food Security and Agribusiness Support
CNFA implemented the five-year, $22.9 million USAID Feed the Future Egypt Food Security and Agribusiness Support (FAS) project (2015-2020) to increase incomes and improve food security for at least 14,000 Upper Egyptian smallholder farmers across seven focal governorates—including Assiut, Aswan, Beni-Suef, Luxor, Minya, Qena and Sohag. Over five years, the project improved health and educational opportunities for women and youth and increased household purchasing power.
- 6,720 people, including 6,431 women, received food hygiene and nutrition-sensitive messaging and training
- 17,000 farmers trained in productivity-enhancing techniques
- $78 million in annual sales of raw or processed horticulture crops generated by FAS-assisted farms and firms

Egypt FAS used an agricultural value chain approach to improve horticulture productivity, access to markets, value-adding activities and commercial linkages with input and service suppliers.
- Improved Market Systems: FAS supported improved on-farm production, more efficient post-harvest processes and improved marketing of agriculture crops and products.
- Improved Nutritional Status of Women and Children: FAS integrated nutrition-sensitive agriculture by increasing income opportunities and nutrition education in its target regions.
- Incorporated Gender Inclusivity and Sensitivity: Gender was a cross-cutting issue in the FAS project and was considered throughout the program.
- Improved Agricultural Inputs and Services: FAS strengthened input suppliers, agriculture processors and support services and leveraged proven ICT capabilities to bring interventions to scale.
- Improved Governance and Private Sector Engagement: The project created a policy-enabling environment and instilled an understanding of the role of value chain governance and the importance of inter-firm relationships and stakeholder participation.
To implement FAS, Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) collaborated with a diverse group of both international and local partner organizations, including Winrock International, Arizona State University, World Food Logistics Organization, Blue Moon, SoukTel, and the Volunteers for Economic Growth Alliance.