Feed the Future Rwanda Hinga Wunguke Activity
The five-year Feed the Future Rwanda Hinga Wunguke Activity (2023-2028) aims to increase incomes and improve nutrition in Rwanda by sustainably increasing agricultural productivity and strengthening the domestic consumption and market for high-value and nutritious agricultural products. Hinga Wunguke, which translates to “grow profitable” in Kinyarwanda, utilizes a market systems approach, engaging and working through existing public and private market actors and structures to facilitate inclusive, locally driven, and sustainable change.
Expected Impact
- 1,000,000 individuals participating in the Activity
- 500,000 farmers implementing risk-reducing actions to improve resilience
- $20 million in agriculture-related financing facilitated
- $10 million increase in annual sales of producers and firms receiving USG assistance
- 30 percent of women of reproductive age consuming a diet of minimum diversity

Rwanda has seen significant improvement in agricultural production over the past 10 years. However, challenges due to the limited use of improved seeds, fertilizers, and other inputs, lack of market information, and environmental constraints such as land size and soil health persist. The sector also faces challenges such as food insecurity and malnutrition among vulnerable households, with 20.6 percent of the Rwandan population experiencing food insecurity, 18.8 percent experiencing moderate food insecurity, and 1.8 percent experiencing severe food insecurity. About 32.4 percent of under five years children are chronically malnourished (2021 Rwanda CFSVA). Recurring extreme weather shocks also pose serious challenges to the continued growth of the sector. Modernizing the agriculture sector offers the potential to boost productivity and create additional economic opportunities while improving food security and nutrition outcomes for rural households.
By 2028, the $28 million Hinga Wunguke activity will significantly improve Rwanda’s agricultural productivity, increase profitability for farmers, and enhance nutrition and food security outcomes by enhancing access to improved inputs, knowledge, technologies, practices, finance, and markets. It will also support policies that enable and incentivize private-sector investment and growth.
- Increase Agricultural Productivity: Hinga Wunguke focuses on improving agricultural practices by facilitating farmers’ access to knowledge, information, and improved inputs and technologies. This approach aims to increase productivity while promoting sustainable agriculture and strengthening resilience to shocks.
- Facilitate Access To Finance for Farmers and Agribusinesses: Hinga Wunguke facilitates access to finance and improves the financial literacy skills of farmers and agribusiness so that they can obtain and manage funding needed to boost their production and incomes. Hinga Wunguke also prioritizes engagement with the private sector to increase value chain financing and farm and agribusiness investment opportunities.
- Improve Market Availability and Demand for Nutritious Foods: Hinga Wunguke expands farmers’ access to markets while increasing the availability and consumption of safe and nutritious food for Rwandan consumers. The Activity will accomplish this by using a market systems approach to support the private sector in developing and promoting nutritious products. It then helps generate demand by educating consumers on the benefits of nutritious products.
- Strengthen the Enabling Environment for Market-Driven Agriculture: Hinga Wunguke works closely with other USAID/Rwanda implementing partners to strengthen the enabling environment for the development and implementation of policies that strengthen the Government of Rwanda’s (GOR) role as an enabler and the private sector’s role as a main driver of agricultural growth. The Activity will facilitate improved public-private dialogue so that the GOR can better support the private sector to invest in and lead systemic changes that modernize the agriculture sector and drive inclusive growth.
To implement Hinga Wunguke, Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) collaborates with a diverse group of both international and local partner organizations, including MarketShare Associates (MSA), a global firm of creative facilitators, strategists, economists, and experienced research and implementation experts who believe that both public and private institutions should contribute to social transformation. Having already a great deal of experience in Rwanda, MSA’s mission is to bring actionable insights to market development.
The Activity also works with Rwandan market systems actors, which are a key part of the Hinga Wunguke market-oriented approach will be its Catalytic Service Provider Fund and its Market Systems Opportunity Grants, which together total over $5.3 million. These resources will allow Hinga Wunguke to engage, innovate, disengage, adapt, and scale with a large number of Rwandan market systems actors whenever needed. Hinga Wunguke will also use “Pitch Fairs” and an approach of “aggressive facilitation” to identify entrepreneurs and change makers and bring in new expertise where it is most appropriate to achieve desired results. Hinga Wunguke will continually seek participant feedback on the use of these resources, including through annual surveys, impact assessments, and quarterly focus group discussions with participants throughout the relevant implementation areas of Rwanda.