
USAID’s Livestock Market Development Project Presents End Market Analysis Findings

Media Release | August 21, 2013

Analysis highlights domestic and international market opportunities for Ethiopian livestock.

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia—On August 19, the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Livestock Market Development project presented the findings of a thorough End Market Analysis to policymakers, high officials, and industry professionals. The event, which was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, gathered more than 80 professionals with representation from the Government of Ethiopia (both federal and regional positions), USAID Ethiopia, the private sector, policy advocacy groups, international donors and implementers, finance institutions, and livestock associations.

The event highlighted the findings of the End Market Analysis as presented by Martin Webber, executive vice president of J.E. Austin Associates. The export component of the End Market Analysis focuses on international market opportunities, Ethiopian competitiveness, and recommendations for Ethiopian export development in selected markets for livestock and livestock products, including meat, leather, and leather products. The domestic component of the End Market Analysis describes the markets for these same products, in addition to dairy products.

State Minister of Agriculture Sileshi Getahun, who provided opening remarks, said, “The End Market Analysis Report is a welcome contribution to what the Government of Ethiopia is doing to export livestock and livestock products and also indicates a way forward in the realization of the potential of the livestock sector as a whole.”

Gary Robbins of USAID Ethiopia said, “The main objective of our meeting this afternoon is to share the major findings of the End Market Analysis with you as the major stakeholders and gather your perspectives and your opinions on how we move forward to enhance the performance of the livestock sector.”

USAID’s Livestock Market Development project contributes to the Agricultural Growth Program of the Government of Ethiopia and the Feed the Future initiative of the U.S. Government. While improving the incomes and nutritional status of Ethiopian smallholder producers and the competitiveness of the livestock industry in Ethiopia, the project also upgrades and catalyzes future sustainable development of the sector by addressing systematic bottlenecks and facilitating value chain participants’ engagement and investment. Key goals include increasing productivity and competitiveness of selected livestock value chains and spurring investment and innovation, all in an economically sustainable way.

Led by CNFA, the project draws upon a skilled consortium of leading Ethiopian and international development organizations, combining proven livestock and dairy value chain development experience with expertise in health, nutrition, gender equality, and information and communication technologies. By joining international expertise and worldwide best practices with a leading role by seasoned local partner organizations, the CNFA team supports local partners to lead interventions through existing cooperatives, associations, government agencies, and private firms to spur sustainable economic growth in Ethiopia.
