Private Sector Engagement
Leveraging private sector resources and expertise.
Entrepreneurs often lead the way in implementing sound production practices, processing technologies, and supply-chain management, and expanding access to markets and food environments. CNFA works closely with private sector entrepreneurs, suppliers, and service providers that are integral to supply chain success, helping market leaders drive change in their communities.
Our programs are tailored to build opportunities for families and entire communities. By partnering with financial institutions, we seek to develop new financial products for the agricultural sector, improve risk management, and catalyze investments. We also form partnerships with industry associations to improve their capacity to advocate for and provide services to members. We support business service providers to offer enhanced marketing assistance, business planning, and food safety and quality standard certifications.
We also partner with local and international agribusinesses to introduce new agricultural inputs, such as resilient crop varieties, technologies, and practices. These advances equip farmers to increase production and gain access to lucrative markets.